Glacier Pt - "Little Yosemite Road". General view to the east from Washburn Point of the Panorama Cliffs.
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Glacier Pt - "Little Yosemite Road". General view to the east from Washburn Point of the Panorama Cliffs.
Glacier Pt - "Little Yosemite Road". General view to the east from Washburn Point of the Panorama Cliffs.
Glacier Pt - "Little Yosemite Road". General view to the east from Washburn Point of the Panorama Cliffs.
Negative Number: RL_08771
U. S. National Park Service
YOSE 91429
Permission must be secured from the individual copyright owners to reproduce any copyrighted materials contained within this website.
Public domain
014.013-06, (Yosemite Hierarchy Number)
, Scenics-Views, (Yosemite Series Description)
Yosemite National Park, Code: YOSE
Yosemite National Park, California
Latitude: 37.8399200439453, Longitude: -119.540397644043

ICMS (Interior Collection Managment System) : YOSE 91429
NPS Museum Accession Number : YOSE 4838
September 1926
09/01/1926 - 09/29/1926
Film Size: 5 x 7
YOSE: Box 25
Public Can View
Person: Archivist
Organization: US National Park Service
Address: Yosemite National Park Archives, PO Box 700-W, El Portal, CA 95318

Tuesday, August 14, 2018 12:35:48 PM
Tuesday, August 14, 2018 12:35:48 PM
28.4 MB
1031 Yosemite Historic Photo Collection
1031 Yosemite Historic Photo Collection
The digitizing of the historic photo collection was made possible through a grant from the Yosemite Conservancy
Yosemite Valley from Turtleback Dome. Job. No. 101.

Yosemite Valley from Turtleback Dome. Job. No. 101.

Yosemite Valley from Turtleback Dome. Job. No. 101.

Yosemite Valley from Turtleback Dome. Job. No. 101.

Yosemite Valley showing Ribbon Fall (left) and Bridalveil Fall (right).

Yosemite Valley showing Ribbon Fall (left) and Bridalveil Fall (right).

Yosemite Valley showing Ribbon and Bridalveil.

Yosemite Valley showing Ribbon and Bridalveil.

Yosemite Valley from trail above the tunnel.

Yosemite Valley from trail above the tunnel.

Glacier Point cliff and Yosemite Falls from Sierra Pt. (positive reproduced backwards)-Nahan; Job No. 103

Glacier Point cliff and Yosemite Falls from Sierra Pt. (positive reproduced backwards)-Nahan; Job No. 103

Aerial photograph of Lyell Canyon

Aerial photograph of Lyell Canyon

Aerial view of Lyell Canyon

Aerial view of Lyell Canyon

Aerial photograph of Lyell Canyon

Aerial photograph of Lyell Canyon

Aerial Photograph of Lyell Canyon

Aerial Photograph of Lyell Canyon

Aerial Photograph of flight over Park

Aerial Photograph of flight over Park

Aerial photograph of flight over park showing Half Dome and aerial of Yosemite National Park.

Aerial photograph of flight over park showing Half Dome and aerial of Yosemite National Park.

Aerial photograph of Yosemite National Park, Incline.

Aerial photograph of Yosemite National Park, Incline.

Aerial photograph of flight over park, Forests.

Aerial photograph of flight over park, Forests.

Aerial photograph of flight over park, Laurel Lake Area

Aerial photograph of flight over park, Laurel Lake Area

Aerial photograph of flight over park, Laurel Lake Area

Aerial photograph of flight over park, Laurel Lake Area

Aerial photograph of flight over park, Tuolumne Canyon

Aerial photograph of flight over park, Tuolumne Canyon

Aerial photograph of flight over park, Tuolumne RiverCanyon

Aerial photograph of flight over park, Tuolumne RiverCanyon

Aerial photograph of flight over park, Tuolumne River Canyon

Aerial photograph of flight over park, Tuolumne River Canyon

Aerial photograph of flight over park, Ten Lakes Area.

Aerial photograph of flight over park, Ten Lakes Area.

General aerial view. Aerial photograph of flight over park.

General aerial view. Aerial photograph of flight over park.

Yosemite Valley from Union Pt. (wide angle)

Yosemite Valley from Union Pt. (wide angle)

Mt. Baldy from Crane Flat Lookout - #1 Panorama

Mt. Baldy from Crane Flat Lookout - #1 Panorama

Mt. Baldy from Crane Flat Lookout - #2 Panorama

Mt. Baldy from Crane Flat Lookout - #2 Panorama

One of eight views from Pinoche Peak, as a possible location for a fire lookout. The 8 views make a 360 degree picture.

One of eight views from Pinoche Peak, as a possible location for a fire lookout. The 8 views make a 360 degree picture.

#2 of eight views from Pinoche Peak, as a possible location for a fire lookout. The 8 views make a 360 degree picture.

#2 of eight views from Pinoche Peak, as a possible location for a fire lookout. The 8 views make a 360 degree picture.

#3 of 8 views from Pinoche Peak, as a possible location for a fire lookout. The 8 views make a 360 degree picture.

#3 of 8 views from Pinoche Peak, as a possible location for a fire lookout. The 8 views make a 360 degree picture.

#4 of 8 views from Pinoche Peak, as a possible location for a fire lookout. The 8 views make a 360 degree picture.

#4 of 8 views from Pinoche Peak, as a possible location for a fire lookout. The 8 views make a 360 degree picture.

#5 of 8 views from Pinoche Peak, as a possible location for a fire lookout. The 8 views make a 360 degree picture.

#5 of 8 views from Pinoche Peak, as a possible location for a fire lookout. The 8 views make a 360 degree picture.

#6 of 8 views from Pinoche Peak, as a possible location for a fire lookout. The 8 views make a 360 degree picture.

#6 of 8 views from Pinoche Peak, as a possible location for a fire lookout. The 8 views make a 360 degree picture.

#7 of 8 views from Pinoche Peak, as a possible location for a fire lookout. The 8 views make a 360 degree picture.

#7 of 8 views from Pinoche Peak, as a possible location for a fire lookout. The 8 views make a 360 degree picture.

#8 of 8 views from Pinoche Peak, as a possible location for a fire lookout. The 8 views make a 360 degree picture.

#8 of 8 views from Pinoche Peak, as a possible location for a fire lookout. The 8 views make a 360 degree picture.

View of Mt. Hoffman from west of Ten Lakes.

View of Mt. Hoffman from west of Ten Lakes.

Big Oak Flat Road. General view of Little Pilot Peak and the country to the north of Big Pilot Peak. Picture taken from the Pilot Peak lookout station.

Big Oak Flat Road. General view of Little Pilot Peak and the country to the north of Big Pilot Peak. Picture taken from the Pilot Peak lookout station.

Wawona Road tunnel, panorama.

Wawona Road tunnel, panorama.

Yosemite Canyon, from Half Dome looking west. (07-74-F-15) (12 - 15-31-11; 15 a.m) (12-11,000); Requested by Moffett 1/24/40 for research purposes; Photocopied by Schwenk 1/26/40; From order 2419

Yosemite Canyon, from Half Dome looking west. (07-74-F-15) (12 - 15-31-11; 15 a.m) (12-11,000); Requested by Moffett 1/24/40 for research purposes; Photocopied by Schwenk 1/26/40; From order 2419

Yosemite Canyon, California. (05-74-F-15) (12 - 8 - 25 - 1: P.M.) (12-2000); Requested by Moffett 1/24/40 for research purposes; photocopied by Schwenk 1/26/40; From Order 2419

Yosemite Canyon, California. (05-74-F-15) (12 - 8 - 25 - 1: P.M.) (12-2000); Requested by Moffett 1/24/40 for research purposes; photocopied by Schwenk 1/26/40; From Order 2419

#429 "A Storm from Moran Point"

#429 "A Storm from Moran Point"

Crest country from Tioga Pass Road.

Crest country from Tioga Pass Road.

View from Tioga Pass Road.

View from Tioga Pass Road.

High country-YNP.

High country-YNP.

View from Tioga Road.

View from Tioga Road.

Copy Neg: MD 1986. Fig. 1A. The floor of Yosemite Valley as it appearred from Glacier Point in 1866. The Hutching's hoome and corral and several split-rail fences may be seen. What appear to be haystacks are also visible. The areas marked A and B are referred to in the text. A portion of a C. E. Watkins photograph (1866), print from NPS copy Neg. by Ralph H. Anderson.; RL-16,344-RL16,381 are all photos copied from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man on the Vegetation of Yosemite Valley by R. P. Gibbens, March 1, 1961; R; 581.52; G351; Figures are numbered different in the UC Div of Agricultural Sciences, 1964 and the Yosemite Assoc. Edition

Copy Neg: MD 1986. Fig. 1A. The floor of Yosemite Valley as it appearred from Glacier Point in 1866. The Hutching's hoome and corral and several split-rail fences may be seen. What appear to be haystacks are also visible. The areas marked A and B are refer

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Fig. 1B. from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of Yosemite Valley  by R. P. Gibbens March 1, 1962. The floor of Yosemite Valley as it appeared from Glacier Point in 1943. Areas which were formerly meadow of open ground now support stands of ponderosa pine and incense cedar.

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Fig. 1B. from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of Yosemite Valley by R. P. Gibbens March 1, 1962. The floor of Yosemite Valley as it appeared from Glacier Point in 1943. Areas which were formerly mead

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Fig. 2A from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of Yosemite Valley  by R. P. Gibbens, March 1, 1962. The lower portion of Yosemite Valley as it appeared from Union Point in 1866. The "arboriferous belt" described by Whitney (1868) is clearly evident at the base of the talus slopes. Print from NPS copy neg. made by Ralph H. Anderson.

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Fig. 2A from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of Yosemite Valley by R. P. Gibbens, March 1, 1962. The lower portion of Yosemite Valley as it appeared from Union Point in 1866. The "arboriferous belt"

Copy Neg: MD 1986. Fig. 2B of A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of Yosemite Valley  by R. P. Gibbens, March 1, 1962. The lower portion of YV from Union Point in 1943. The original view was blocked by trees which had grown in the foreground. This vantage point is a short distance to the left of the original one. The old Sewer Farm, a man-made clearing, appears at the top of the foreground tree. The forest has increased remarkably in both extent and density.

Copy Neg: MD 1986. Fig. 2B of A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of Yosemite Valley by R. P. Gibbens, March 1, 1962. The lower portion of YV from Union Point in 1943. The original view was blocked by trees which had grown

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Fig. 3A from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On the Vegetation of Yosemite Valley  by R. P. Gibbens, March 1, 1962. The lower end of YV as it appeared in 1866 from the point currently called Old Inspiration Point. The large open area in the lower left part of the picture is Bridalveil Meadow. Note the open character of the forest on the north (left) side of the river. Print from NPS copy neg made by Ralph H. Anderson.

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Fig. 3A from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On the Vegetation of Yosemite Valley by R. P. Gibbens, March 1, 1962. The lower end of YV as it appeared in 1866 from the point currently called Old Inspiration Point. The

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Figure 8B from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley. Yosemite Valley as it appeared from Eagle Peak in 1943. Many of the areas which were open ground are covered with a dense stand of trees.

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Figure 8B from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley. Yosemite Valley as it appeared from Eagle Peak in 1943. Many of the areas which were open ground are covered with a dense stand o

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Fig. 9A from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley by Gibbens. A remarkably clear photograph taken from Columbia Point in 1899. Young trees dotting the meadows are clearly visible as are fences enclosing portions of the meadows. The pre-white man conifers are plainly visible above the stands of black oak and young trees. Print from NPS copy neg. by Ralph H. Anderson.

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Fig. 9A from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley by Gibbens. A remarkably clear photograph taken from Columbia Point in 1899. Young trees dotting the meadows are clearly visible as

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Fig. 9B from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley by Gibbens. The upper end of YV as it appeared from Columbia Point in 1943. Note the complete change in the character of the forest, from oepn oak stands to a dense ponderosa pine, incense cedar mixed forest in the upper end of the Valley.

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Fig. 9B from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley by Gibbens. The upper end of YV as it appeared from Columbia Point in 1943. Note the complete change in the character of the forest,

Copy Neg: MD 1866; Figure 10A from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley by Gibbens. The Black Spring area as it appeared in a photograph taken by C. E. Watkins in 1866. Original print copied by Gibbens.

Copy Neg: MD 1866; Figure 10A from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley by Gibbens. The Black Spring area as it appeared in a photograph taken by C. E. Watkins in 1866. Original print copied by Gibbens

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Fig. 10B from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley by Gibbens. The same view as 10A (RL-16,358) as it appeared in 1943. A small rock has rolled against the larger one since the 1866 photograph was taken.

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Fig. 10B from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley by Gibbens. The same view as 10A (RL-16,358) as it appeared in 1943. A small rock has rolled against the larger one since the 1866

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Figure 11A from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley by Gibbens. The eastern end of Yosemite Valley as it appeared when the Stoneman House, visible on the right, existed between 1887-1896. Young conifers are visible among the black oaks which predominated. Print from NPS copy neg. made by Ralph H. Anderson.

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Figure 11A from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley by Gibbens. The eastern end of Yosemite Valley as it appeared when the Stoneman House, visible on the right, existed between 1887

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Figure 11B from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley by Gibbens. The same view shown in Fig. 11A as it appeared in 1943. The black oaks have been overtopped by post-white man ponderosa pine and incense cedar. Foreground trees are beginning to block the view.

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Figure 11B from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley by Gibbens. The same view shown in Fig. 11A as it appeared in 1943. The black oaks have been overtopped by post-white man pondero

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Figure 16A from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley by Gibbens. A view of the woodland in El Captain Meadow in 1943. Young ponderosa pines are abundant.

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Figure 16A from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley by Gibbens. A view of the woodland in El Captain Meadow in 1943. Young ponderosa pines are abundant.

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Figure 16B from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley by Gibbens. View from El Captain Meadow after the pine seedlings were removed by CCC personnel.

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Figure 16B from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley by Gibbens. View from El Captain Meadow after the pine seedlings were removed by CCC personnel.

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Figure 22 from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley by Gibbens. This picture of a dairy herd in Leidig Meadow was taken about 1918. Several meadows in the Valley were used for this purpose until 1924. Grazing by the herds was limited to summer months.

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Figure 22 from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley by Gibbens. This picture of a dairy herd in Leidig Meadow was taken about 1918. Several meadows in the Valley were used for this p

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Figure 23 from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley by Gibbens. According to Ernst (1943A) this is a picture of Sam Cookson, government electrician, plowing in the Ahwahnee Meadow in 1911 or 1912. At the time civilian employers of the Dept. of the Interior grew hay on this meadow and several others in the Valley.

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Figure 23 from A Preliminary Survey of the Influence of White Man On The Vegetation of the Yosemite Valley by Gibbens. According to Ernst (1943A) this is a picture of Sam Cookson, government electrician, plowing in the Ahwahnee Meadow in

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Figure 26A. View of the Elk Paddock portion of Cook's meadow sometime between 1921 and 1933 when the meadow was used for this purpose. Note the heavily grazed condition inside the fence.

Copy Neg: MD 1986; Figure 26A. View of the Elk Paddock portion of Cook's meadow sometime between 1921 and 1933 when the meadow was used for this purpose. Note the heavily grazed condition inside the fence.

Copy Neg: MD 1986. Figure 28B. The same area shown in Fig. 28A as it appeared in 1943. Improvement in the condition of the road and the vegetation is obvious.

Copy Neg: MD 1986. Figure 28B. The same area shown in Fig. 28A as it appeared in 1943. Improvement in the condition of the road and the vegetation is obvious.

Copy Neg: Ralph H. Anderson, MD 1986. Figure 31A. This photograph of an unknown but very early date shows the appearance of the river banks below the present site of Stoneman Bridge.

Copy Neg: Ralph H. Anderson, MD 1986. Figure 31A. This photograph of an unknown but very early date shows the appearance of the river banks below the present site of Stoneman Bridge.

Copy Neg: MD 1986. Figure 31B. This view of the area shown in Fig. 31A was taken in 1943. The river bank on the left borders Camp 7 and the shrubs and herbaceous plants formerly present have been trampled out by campers. Trees are much more abundant than when the Figure 31A photo was taken.

Copy Neg: MD 1986. Figure 31B. This view of the area shown in Fig. 31A was taken in 1943. The river bank on the left borders Camp 7 and the shrubs and herbaceous plants formerly present have been trampled out by campers. Trees are much more abundant than w

Valley from Columbia Point

Valley from Columbia Point

North Dome and Royal Arches.

North Dome and Royal Arches.

North Dome and Royal Arches.

North Dome and Royal Arches.

North Dome and Royal Arches.

North Dome and Royal Arches.

North Dome and Royal Arches.

North Dome and Royal Arches.

North Dome and Royal Arches.

North Dome and Royal Arches.

YOSE X_069

YOSE X_069

YOSE X_070

YOSE X_070

YOSE X_071

YOSE X_071

YOSE X_072

YOSE X_072

YOSE X_073

YOSE X_073

Ex. #4 Landscape; 4-3

Ex. #4 Landscape; 4-3

Park: Yosemite; Subject: View southward from Mount Dana, wide angle; Location: Summit, Mount Dana; Purpose: Exhibit-publication use

Park: Yosemite; Subject: View southward from Mount Dana, wide angle; Location: Summit, Mount Dana; Purpose: Exhibit-publication use

Auto Tour-- El Portal View

Auto Tour-- El Portal View