Tom Gordon, former stage driver, age 84
Ray Gilmore pres. Gilmore Oil Co. in 1910 Ford
Date: November 12, 1951 (copied) 1896-97 (photos) when Goodrich served in Yosemite in Army
early administrator of Yosemite
Stereo showing early day school group loaned by by Mrs. Gallison, teacher (2nd from left). copied by Ralph H. Anderson. copied July 30, 1952.
Jack Gaylor, picturesque oldtime ranger.
Phil & Will Gutlebin. The Gutlebin brothers (Daniel & Phil) were responsible for the Glacier Point Hotel (1917) Daniel was the architect & Phil the builder.
Andrew "Jack" Gaylor. Photo courtesy Donald McKinney. Copied October 1983 Michael Dixon.
Andrew "Jack" Gaylor in Lander (Fremont Co.) Wyoming. Copied October 1983 by Michael Dixon. Photo copied courtesy Donald McKinney.
Jack Gaylor. copied by J. Ernest, copied 1983
Jack Gaylor. copied by J. Ernest, 1983