Construction of new Gibbon River Bridge
Jack E. Boucher
The Mission 66 program was a decade-long initiative to modernize National Park Service facilities and infrastructure for the National Park Service 50th Anniversary. Yellowstone’s road renovation teams used Mission 66 funding and resources to construct 14 new bridges throughout the park.
Jack E. Boucher was the Chief Photographer for the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS).
Photographic print. H 20.5, W 23.5 cm
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 121038
Construction of new Gibbon River Bridge
Construction of new Gibbon River Bridge
The Mission 66 program was a decade-long initiative to modernize National Park Service facilities and infrastructure for the National Park Service 50th Anniversary. Yellowstone’s road renovation teams used Mission 66 funding and resources to construct 14 new bridges throughout the park.
Jack E. Boucher was the Chief Photographer for the Historic American Buildings Survey (HABS).
Material: Photographic print; Measurements: H 20.5, W 23.5 cm
Yellowstone National Park, Code: YELL
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