Harry S. Yount (1839 — 1924) is pictured here at Berthoud Pass, Colorado while on the 1874 Hayden Geological Survey. Yount served two terms of service for the Union in the Civil War before traveling to Wyoming, where he became a buffalo hunter. He later became Yellowstone National Park's first and only gamekeeper. Although brief, his 14-month tenure as Yellowstone gamekeeper established a lasting legacy of wildlife conservation.
Photograph. H 23.5, W 17.8 cm
Yellowstone National Park, YELL 7150
(Harry Yount)
(Harry Yount)
Harry S. Yount (1839 — 1924) is pictured here at Berthoud Pass, Colorado while on the 1874 Hayden Geological Survey. Yount served two terms of service for the Union in the Civil War before traveling to Wyoming, where he became a buffalo hunter. He later became Yellowstone National Park's first and only gamekeeper. Although brief, his 14-month tenure as Yellowstone gamekeeper established a lasting legacy of wildlife conservation.
Material: Photograph; Measurements: H 23.5, W 17.8 cm
Yellowstone National Park, Code: YELL
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