Alpine ecosystem illustrating the response certain species have to extreme alpine growing conditions
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Alpine ecosystem illustrating the response certain species have to extreme alpine growing conditions
Alpine ecosystem illustrating the response certain species have to extreme alpine growing conditions
Species include: (Alpine) Cushion buckwheat, Whitebark pine, Alpine fir krummholz, Heather, Dwarf willow, Pixie-cup lichen, Gray-crowned rosy finch, Alpine forget-me-not, Moss campion, Alpine phlox, and Haircap moss
Original art no longer exists. This artwork first appeared in the Grand Teton handbook (1984), altered for the North Cascades handbook (1986), altered for the Yosemite handbook (1990) and altered to the current content in the Sequoia and Kings Canyon handbook (1991). The heather, Pixie-cup lichen, the Alpine forget-me-not, the Moss campion, and the Haircap moss no longer exist as original art. All original and altered pieces were illustrated by John Dawson. An unpublished spot illustration of a full Buckwheat plant detail exists on original art.; Abbr=PUB
U.S. National Park Service
Government owns art and all reproduction rights.
Public domain
Natural History, (HFC ArtTheme)
, 8" x 10" color transparency, (HFC ArtMedium)
North Cascades National Park, Code: NOCA
North Cascades National Park, Washington
Latitude: 48.8278884887695, Longitude: -121.35050201416

Image Management System : IMS 07281
01/01/1983 - 12/30/1983
Image_Size=No longer exists as original art.; Count:1/1; Publications' North Cascades National Park handbook, pages 48-49
Public Can View
Dawson, John/Dawson & Dawson, Ltd.
Organization: Harpers Ferry Center
Address: Harpers Ferry Center, 67 Mather Place, Harpers Ferry, WV, 25425, 304-535-5050

Friday, October 4, 2019 1:52:34 PM
Friday, October 4, 2019 1:52:34 PM
50.3 kB