Slave coffles depicts both men and women chained or roped-together marching under guard in the process known as "Sold South".
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Slave coffles depicts both men and women chained or roped-together marching under guard in the process known as "Sold South".
Slave coffles depicts both men and women chained or roped-together marching under guard in the process known as "Sold South".
U.S. National Park Service
Project=Underground Railroad brochure; Art_Registration_No=PUB-0125; Reflective Art
Government owns art and all reproduction rights.
Public domain
Slavery and Plantation Life, (HFC ArtTheme)
, Watercolor, (HFC ArtMedium)
National Underground Railroad Network to Freedom Program, Code: UGRR
Image Management System : IMS 07619
01/01/1996 - 12/30/1996
Image_Size=9-15/16" x 6"; Count:4/19; Underground Railroad brochure
Schlecht, Richard/Richard Schlecht Illustrations
Organization: Harpers Ferry Center
Address: Harpers Ferry Center, 67 Mather Place, Harpers Ferry, WV, 25425, 304-535-5050

Friday, October 4, 2019 1:42:58 PM
Friday, October 4, 2019 1:42:58 PM
52.0 kB