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Your search returned 24 results, Showing page 1 of 1, Items 1 through 24

Hetch Hetchy Dam under construction.

Hetch Hetchy Dam under construction.

YOSE RL_15688

YOSE RL_15688



Copied March 1985 by Michael Dixon from Bulletin donated to the Park by Richard Pittman.

Copied March 1985 by Michael Dixon from Bulletin donated to the Park by Richard Pittman.

Hetch Hetchy Valley. Original in YNP Collection (Cat. #12,937).

Hetch Hetchy Valley. Original in YNP Collection (Cat. #12,937).

Hetch Hetchy Valley. Original in YNP Collection (Cat. #13,500).

Hetch Hetchy Valley. Original in YNP Collection (Cat. #13,500).

Hetch Hetchy Valley. Original in the YNP Collection (Cat. #12,289).

Hetch Hetchy Valley. Original in the YNP Collection (Cat. #12,289).

Hetch Hetchy Valley. Original in YNP Collection (Cat. #12,936).

Hetch Hetchy Valley. Original in YNP Collection (Cat. #12,936).

Hetch Hetchy Valley. Original in the YNP Collection (Cat. #14,758).

Hetch Hetchy Valley. Original in the YNP Collection (Cat. #14,758).

Hetch Hetchy Valley. Original in the YNP Collection (Cat. #20,180).

Hetch Hetchy Valley. Original in the YNP Collection (Cat. #20,180).

Hetch Hetchy Valley. Original in the YNP Collection (Cat. #11,279).

Hetch Hetchy Valley. Original in the YNP Collection (Cat. #11,279).

Hetch Hetchy Valley. Original in YNP Collection (Cat. #20,179). YM-29,191.

Hetch Hetchy Valley. Original in YNP Collection (Cat. #20,179). YM-29,191.

Hetch Hetchy valley.

Hetch Hetchy valley.

Curious rocks enroute to Hetch Hetchy.

Curious rocks enroute to Hetch Hetchy.

YOSE RL_12622

YOSE RL_12622

Hetch Hetchy damsite.

Hetch Hetchy damsite.

From old prints of Francis Farquhar. Original by Harris. See Yosemite Book. Copied 11/28/1951 by Ralph H. Anderson.

From old prints of Francis Farquhar. Original by Harris. See Yosemite Book. Copied 11/28/1951 by Ralph H. Anderson.

YOSE RL_02440

YOSE RL_02440

Buick in Hetch Hetchy Valley.

Buick in Hetch Hetchy Valley.

Hetch Hetchy with waterfalls before reservoir

Hetch Hetchy with waterfalls before reservoir

YOSE RL_01292

YOSE RL_01292

Hetch Hetchy Valley prior to reservoir showing party of visitors viewing valley.

Hetch Hetchy Valley prior to reservoir showing party of visitors viewing valley.

Copied from 5 x 7 glass neg. owned by Ca. State Beach. & Pks. 1125 10th. St P.O. Bx 2390 Sacramento, Ca.

Copied from 5 x 7 glass neg. owned by Ca. State Beach. & Pks. 1125 10th. St P.O. Bx 2390 Sacramento, Ca.

Hetch Hetchy before dam.

Hetch Hetchy before dam.
