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Your search on Keywords contains 'needle miner' returned 8 results, Showing page 1 of 1, Items 1 through 8

 Blights, Misc. Insects, Needle Miner infestation. Lodgepole Pine Forest Plant Community.. SEKI Historic Image

Blights, Misc. Insects, Needle Miner infestation. Lodgepole Pine Forest Plant Community.

 Blights, Misc. Insects, Needle Miner infestation. Lodgepole Pine Forest Plant Community.. SEKI Historic Image

Blights, Misc. Insects, Needle Miner infestation. Lodgepole Pine Forest Plant Community.

 Blights, Misc. Insects, Needle Miner infestation. Lodgepole Pine Forest Plant Community.. SEKI Historic Image

Blights, Misc. Insects, Needle Miner infestation. Lodgepole Pine Forest Plant Community.

 Blights, Misc. Insects, Needle Miner infestation. Lodgepole Pine Forest Plant Community.. SEKI Historic Image

Blights, Misc. Insects, Needle Miner infestation. Lodgepole Pine Forest Plant Community.

 Blights, Misc. Insects, Needle Miner infestation. Lodgepole Pine Forest Plant Community.. SEKI Historic Image

Blights, Misc. Insects, Needle Miner infestation. Lodgepole Pine Forest Plant Community.

 Blights, Misc. Insects, Needle Miner infestation. Lodgepole Pine Forest Plant Community. Individual unidentified.. SEKI Historic Image

Blights, Misc. Insects, Needle Miner infestation. Lodgepole Pine Forest Plant Community. Individual unidentified.

 Blights, Misc. Insects, Needle Miner infestation. Lodgepole Pine Forest Plant Community. Individuals unidentified.. SEKI Historic Image

Blights, Misc. Insects, Needle Miner infestation. Lodgepole Pine Forest Plant Community. Individuals unidentified.

Illustration of a Lodgepole needleminer moth larva inside a Lodgepole pine needle and an adult Lodgepole needleminer moth.

Illustration of a Lodgepole needleminer moth larva inside a Lodgepole pine needle and an adult Lodgepole needleminer moth.
