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Your search on Keywords contains 'cows' returned 38 results, Showing page 1 of 1, Items 1 through 38

A black angus cow with flies on it's face standing in a grassy field.

Eisenhower Cows

A view of the Eisenhower farm property from the driveway with the Herdsman's House to the right and the Bank Barn and Show Barn to the right.

Eisenhower Farm Property

The Eisenhower Bank Barn behind a pair of pine trees and a pair of bushes.

Eisenhower Bank Barn

The Eisenhower Bank Barn in the distance across a field of grass.

Eisenhower Barn

Dwight Eisenhower leading a spotted pony while children ride in the wagon behind.

Pony and Wagon Ride

A panorama of the Eisenhower barn and property.

Eisenhower Panorama

A single plump and voluminous sphere shaped flower stalk filled with dozens of small flowers. Each flower has magenta petals with light pink outer ends, making the entire flower stalk appear as if it had been dipped in light pink paint.

Cow clover (Trifolium wormskioldii) - May 25, 2020

A herd of cattle being driven past the turnoff and signfor the Agate Fossil Beds Visitor Center, with two horse-mounted cowpokes

Cows at agate visitor center sign

The image is in black and white. A dirt and gravel road covers the majority of the foreground, stretching into the left side of the image. A group of four cowboys are riding horses on this road, two at the head of the group as the other pair rides behind them, to the side. Between the cowboys is a small herd of cattle. Behind the herd, along the far roadside, is a line of tall trees. Structures are partially visible behind these trees. On the left of the herd is the right wing of a hotel, the Volcano House. The wing is two stories tall, with multiple chimneys and a porch. The sky appears cloudy.

Moving Cattle on Main Road Near Volcano House

Two identical images next to each other. Young male stands in a cart pulled by two oxen. A barn with open door is in the background. A mountain is in the left distance.

Barn of Wayside Inn, 1870

4 men hold a cow on its side on the beach while another mounted man and a riderless horse watch

Album - 9 Items
Wild Cows in Cape Lookout NS following Hurricane Dorian

Aldergrove (built 1875; bark, 3m). Port Blakely, WA, circa 1893-1905. ALDERGROVE (center) loading lumber; donkey scow alongside; and WILLIE R. HUME (built 1890; barkentine, 4m) (center left) docked at Port Blakely Mill Co.; shingles on dock at right.[CR]

Aldergrove (built 1875; bark, 3m). Port Blakely, WA, circa 1893-1905

La Fontaine (built 1899; bark, 3m). Puget Sound, WA, circa 1899-1905. Off starboard bow; at anchor; men painting hull.[CR]Donkey scow alongside.

La Fontaine (built 1899; bark, 3m). Puget Sound, WA, circa 1899-1905

Prompt (built 1887; bark, 3m). Port Blakely, WA, circa 1893-1905. Broadside; loading lumber over stern at Port Blakely Mill Co. Dock, donkey scow alongside.

Prompt (built 1887; bark, 3m). Port Blakely, WA, circa 1893-1905

 Meadow studies, Grazing, small 12 acre meadow at upper end of Crowley, no stock here previously this season. 22 calves, 2 bulls, 32 cows=total 56 head. Light leaks.. SEKI Historic Image

Meadow studies, Grazing, small 12 acre meadow at upper end of Crowley, no stock here previously this season. 22 calves, 2 bulls, 32 cows=total 56 head. Light leaks.

 Meadow studies, grazing, meadow with three days drift of cattle. Light leak. SEKI Historic Image

Meadow studies, grazing, meadow with three days drift of cattle. Light leak

 Grazing, Meadow studies, cattle in meadow, Lackey bull in foreground. SEKI Historic Image

Grazing, Meadow studies, cattle in meadow, Lackey bull in foreground

 Meadow studies, Grazing gully being cut although sodded by grass. Note the dry bunches of grass pulled up.. SEKI Historic Image

Meadow studies, Grazing gully being cut although sodded by grass. Note the dry bunches of grass pulled up.

 Meadow studies, Grazing near creek. Sand and dirt cattle wallow area. Fig. 142 Armstrong Report.. SEKI Historic Image

Meadow studies, Grazing near creek. Sand and dirt cattle wallow area. Fig. 142 Armstrong Report.

 Meadow studies, 1/3 way up Sugarloaf Meadow, showing edge sand where water table lowering begins to effect grass. Grazing. SEKI Historic Image

Meadow studies, 1/3 way up Sugarloaf Meadow, showing edge sand where water table lowering begins to effect grass. Grazing

 Stock use, June, J.E. Armstrong's black mare. Grazing, cattle. SEKI Historic Image

Stock use, June, J.E. Armstrong's black mare. Grazing, cattle

 Stock Use, June, J.E. Armstrong's black mare. Grazing. SEKI Historic Image

Stock Use, June, J.E. Armstrong's black mare. Grazing

 Meadow studies, check dam that failed. Gulch is 6 feet deep, 3-4 feet wide. fig. 146 Armstrong Report. Misc. Resource Mangement Concerns, Grazing. SEKI Historic Image

Meadow studies, check dam that failed. Gulch is 6 feet deep, 3-4 feet wide. fig. 146 Armstrong Report. Misc. Resource Mangement Concerns, Grazing

 Meadow studies, contrast this dam to no. 06951. Bank here sloping and not too abrupt. Fig. 145 Armstrong Report. Misc. Resource Management Concerns Grazing.. SEKI Historic Image

Meadow studies, contrast this dam to no. 06951. Bank here sloping and not too abrupt. Fig. 145 Armstrong Report. Misc. Resource Management Concerns Grazing.

 Meadow studies, looking north from middle. Grazing.. SEKI Historic Image

Meadow studies, looking north from middle. Grazing.

 Meadow studies, looking south from middle. Grazing.. SEKI Historic Image

Meadow studies, looking south from middle. Grazing.

foothills southwest of Three Rivers, Misc. plant communities, Oak grassland, Savannah. SEKI Historic Image

foothills southwest of Three Rivers, Misc. plant communities, Oak grassland, Savannah

Cowslip parsley, native to the Niobrara Valley.

Cowslip parsley

Cows in rocky meadow. Stone fence and trees in background.

Cows on hill, 1900

A sign with the text

A handmade sign at the Woods Road Trail Segment on the Original Route of the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail in Union County, Illinois

A group of cows grazing in a field.

Cattle crossing ruts and swales in Comanche National Grassland

A group of cows grazing in a field.

Cattle with a marker in frame at Comanche National Grassland

A sign titled

Non-NTIR Sign at Comanche National Grassland

A sign titled

Non-NTIR Sign beside a trail at Comanche National Grassland

A fence with a sign in the middle of a field.

Iron Spring, Comanche National Grassland monument

A man in a hat standing in a field.

NTIR Staff walks by a cactus at Comanche National Grassland

SEKI Roberts Collection Series: 2 Negatives; 3 Fauna

cows, barn

SEKI Roberts Collection Series: 2 Negatives; 3 Fauna

cows, barn
