Cow clover (Trifolium wormskioldii) - May 25, 2020
Cows at agate visitor center sign
Moving Cattle on Main Road Near Volcano House
Barn of Wayside Inn, 1870
Album - 9 Items Wild Cows in Cape Lookout NS following Hurricane Dorian
Aldergrove (built 1875; bark, 3m). Port Blakely, WA, circa 1893-1905
La Fontaine (built 1899; bark, 3m). Puget Sound, WA, circa 1899-1905
Prompt (built 1887; bark, 3m). Port Blakely, WA, circa 1893-1905
Meadow studies, Grazing, small 12 acre meadow at upper end of Crowley, no stock here previously this season. 22 calves, 2 bulls, 32 cows=total 56 head. Light leaks.
Meadow studies, grazing, meadow with three days drift of cattle. Light leak
Grazing, Meadow studies, cattle in meadow, Lackey bull in foreground
Meadow studies, Grazing gully being cut although sodded by grass. Note the dry bunches of grass pulled up.
Meadow studies, Grazing near creek. Sand and dirt cattle wallow area. Fig. 142 Armstrong Report.
Meadow studies, 1/3 way up Sugarloaf Meadow, showing edge sand where water table lowering begins to effect grass. Grazing
Stock use, June, J.E. Armstrong's black mare. Grazing, cattle
Stock Use, June, J.E. Armstrong's black mare. Grazing
Meadow studies, check dam that failed. Gulch is 6 feet deep, 3-4 feet wide. fig. 146 Armstrong Report. Misc. Resource Mangement Concerns, Grazing
Meadow studies, contrast this dam to no. 06951. Bank here sloping and not too abrupt. Fig. 145 Armstrong Report. Misc. Resource Management Concerns Grazing.
Meadow studies, looking north from middle. Grazing.
Meadow studies, looking south from middle. Grazing.
foothills southwest of Three Rivers, Misc. plant communities, Oak grassland, Savannah
Cowslip parsley
Cows on hill, 1900
A handmade sign at the Woods Road Trail Segment on the Original Route of the Trail of Tears National Historic Trail in Union County, Illinois
Cattle crossing ruts and swales in Comanche National Grassland
Cattle with a marker in frame at Comanche National Grassland
Non-NTIR Sign at Comanche National Grassland
Non-NTIR Sign beside a trail at Comanche National Grassland
Iron Spring, Comanche National Grassland monument
NTIR Staff walks by a cactus at Comanche National Grassland