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Your search on Keywords contains 'Carr Fire Recovery' returned 23 results, Showing page 1 of 1, Items 1 through 23

A hydrologist and geologist in protective clothing walking past cabins

Album - 27 Items
Carr Fire - BAER Team

Geologist standing next to a stone foundation

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

A BAER Team member walking along a house foundation in a fire-damaged forest

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

Hydrologist walking across a stream

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

Hydrologist entering data into a tablet

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

A geologist watching a hydrologist enter data on a tablet

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

BAER Team hiking through the woods

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

Hydrologist and geologist examining boulder in the forest

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

A geologist and hydrologist looking at a tablet

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

A hydrologist and geologist walking past a burnt cabin

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

A hydrologist Ali Reddington (USFS) checking a collapsed area in a drainage

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

A geologist and hydrologist having a discussion while standing on a bridge

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

A hydrologist and geologist holding a measuring tape taking measurements of the width between the bridge foundation

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

A geologist and hydrologist having a conversation while standing on a bridge

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

A hydrologist and geologist in protective clothing walking past cabins.

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

A hydrologist and geologist in protective clothing walking past cabins.

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

A hydrologist sitting on a boulder in a creek taking notes

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

Hydrologist sitting on boulder in a creek writing notes

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

A hydrologist and geologist in protective clothing having a conversation on a bridge

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

A hydrologist standing next to a creek looking up at a geologist standing on the bridge above

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

Hydrologist in protective gear walking past a cabin

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

A hydrologist standing next to a creek looking up through a device towards a geologist standing on the bridge above

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey

A hydrologist and geologist in protective clothing walking past cabins

BAER Team Carr Fire Survey
