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Album: Wildlife

Great Basin National Park

Photos of wildlife from the Great Basin

10 items. Showing page 1 of 1, items 1 through 10

Mexican free-tailed bat in flight with wings spread out, silvery fur with pinkish face and large ears with small black eyes.

Mexican free-tailed bat in flight

Western big-eared bat emerging from cave in flight with tan fur and wings and tail spread out. Small black eyes.

Western big-eared bat

Coiled Great Basin rattlesnake facing the left. Snake is tan with blotches and golden eyes with vertical pupils sitting against a rock background.

Coiled Great Basin rattlesnake

Adult kit fox in center right. Three kit fox pups in center left. Foxes have large ears and are tannish white sitting against a snowy background.

Kit fox family

Cliff chipmunk standing on board eating rabbitbrush flowers. Chipmunk has long tail and is facing viewer with grayish tan body holding yellow flowers by its mouth. Rabbitbrush flowers are yellow to the right of the chipmunk.

Cliff chipmunk eating rabbitbrush flowers

Mexican free-tailed bat flying from left to right. Bat is gray with wings in downstroke, and pinkish ears, face and wing membranes and small black eyes. Free-tail is visible in lower left.

Mexican free-tailed bat in flight

Four black ants and several smaller aphids on green vegetation.

Aphids and ants

Large orange Coronis fritillary butterfly with black markings. Large gray eyes are visible and long antenna.

Coronis fritillary butterfly

Antlion, a lacy winged insect sitting on white cloth background. Wings are transluscent with a weblike pattern. Long ark abdomen and large eyes and antenna. Legs and thoraz are yellow with black streaks.

Antlion sitting on cloth

Dark eyed Junco facing to the right. Bird is gray with buff patch on shoulder. Bill is light brown and eye is dark. Bird is sitting on green conifer branch with blurry background.

Dark eyed Junco sitting on conifer branch
