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Album: Empire Bluff Trail

Sleeping Bear Dunes National Lakeshore

Photos from the Empire Bluff Trail

11 items. Showing page 1 of 1, items 1 through 11

The picnic area at the Empire Bluff Trailhead

Empire Bluff Trailhead

The Empire Bluff trail is an improved, gravel trail that takes you through Beech-Maple forest and some old orchards to a spectacular boardwalk overlook on the bluff above Lake Michigan.

Empire Bluff Trail

This view of Lake Michigan and South Bar Lake is on the Empire Bluff trail before you get to the boardwalk. There is a bench here for you to sit down and enjoy this view for a few minutes before continuing your walk.

Lake MI and South Bar Lake

Lake MI and South Bar Lake from the Empire Bluff Trail

Lake MI and South Bar Lake

There are a few small hills on the trail. Here you can see some of the erosion control on one of the hills.

Empire Bluff Trail

This is an example of the boardwalk to observation deck near the edge of the Empire Bluff.

Empire Bluff Trail

View of Lake MI, South Manitou Island, South Bar Lake from the observation deck on the Empire Bluff Trail.

Lake MI, SMI, South Bar Lake

Overlook area on the boardwalk of Empire Bluff Trail.

Empire Bluff Trail

View of the boardwalk and Lake MI from the Empire Bluff Trail.

Lake MI, South Bar Lake

View of Lake MI shoreline from Empire Bluff

Lake MI

Lake Michigan and South Bar Lake from the Empire Bluff Trail

Lake MI
