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Album: Dixie Fire in Lassen Volcanic National Park

Lassen Volcanic National Park

Images and videos from the 2021 Dixie Fire in northern California, including Lassen Volcanic National Park.

71 items. Showing page 1 of 2, items 1 through 48

Two firefighters in yellow shirts and green pants stand in front of a white fire truck in thick wildfire smoke.

Park Engine 76 during the Dixie Fire

A firefighter and a park ranger in a flat hat review a map on the hood of a white truck near a brown wood entrance sign for Lassen Volcanic National Manzanita Lake Area. An electronic sign behind them reads

Park Staff Outside Closed Park During the Dixie Fire

Sprinklers spray water on a two-story brown wooden building with a red roof. Conifer trees fill the background.

External sprinkler systems on the Drakesbad dining hall.

Sprinklers spray water on a two-story brown wooden building with a red roof. A handful of conifer trees line the front of the building a meadow opens up behind it.

External sprinkler systems on the Drakesbad lodge hall.

A dirt road passes infront of a small brown wooden bungalow, two-story bunkhouse and another builing amid conifer trees and light wildfire smoke.

Bunkhouse and a bungalow at Drakesbad Guest Ranch during the Dixie Fire.

A white fire truck and structure protection equipment in front of two single-story, wooden  buildings amid conifer trees.

Summit Lake Ranger Station during the Dixie Fire

A picnic table and fire pit and surrounding conifer trees remain intact with smoke from the Dixie Fire fin the background.

Summit Lake campsite during the Dixie Fire

A dirt road in front of a wooden ranger station with a metal roof set amid conifer trees.

Butte Lake Ranger Station during the Dixie Fire.

A handful of picnic tables and bear boxes at stock corral campsite the base of large pine trees with signs of low-severity fire effects.

Butte Lake Stock Corral during the Dixie Fire

Green stock fencing and a small outhouse are unaffected by some fire effects in the surrounding conifer forest including burnt pine needles at the base of a tree in the foreground.

Butte Lake Stock Corral during the Dixie Fire

A grey stone building with a green roof and two white propane tanks next to a conifer forest with light wildfire effects including burnt pine needles and some burn scars on tree bases.

Butte Lake Water Treatment Plant during the Dixie Fire

A green water tank on a hill with well-spaced conifers.

Butte Lake Water Tank during the Dixie Fire

Steam rises from a barren hydrothermal area backed by conifer trees at the base of rounded volcanic peak.

Bumpass Hell basin during the Dixie Fire

Steam rises from a barren hydrothermal area below conifer trees at the base of ridge.

Bumpass Hell basin during the Dixie Fire

Steam rises from a barren hydrothermal area of colorful pools and loose rock backed by conifer trees at the base of rounded volcanic peak.

Bumpass Hell basin during the Dixie Fire

A burned wooden sign on a rock base. Text carved into the sign remains barely legible and reads

Burned Juniper Lake Entrance Sign

A panoramic photo of an area affected by fire. In the foreground bare rock is visible where shrubs burned , behind that is a stand of a burned trees, and in the distance is a line of snow-covered volcanic peaks.

Dixie Fire Effects in Southwest Area

A photo zoomed in on a snow-covered volcanic peak. Burned trees frame the bottom and sides of the image.

Lassen Peak following the Dixie Fire

A wide-angle photo of a rocky landscape cleared of brush and dotted with burned trees backed by a snow-covered volcanic peak.

Dixie Fire Effects on Mt. Conard

A photo zoomed in on a snow-covered volcanic peak. Burned trees frame the bottom and sides of the image.

Lassen Peak following the Dixie Fire

A photo zoomed in on a snow-covered peak covered in snags burned by high-intensity wildfire.

Dixie Fire Effects on Mt. Conard

A photo zoomed in on a snow-covered peak framed by two burned trees.

Eagle Peak following the Dixie Fire

A photo zoomed in on a triangular snow-covered peak framed by burned conifer trees in the foreground.

Brokeoff Mountain following the Dixie Fire.

A photo of a conifer forest burned by wildfire on the right side of a paved road. On the left side of the road is a green conifer forest unaffected by fire. A line of snow-capped volcanic peaks are visible in the distance below a blue sky.

Dixie Fire effects Near Southwest Entrance

A panoramic photo of a valley lined by conifer trees and topped by jagged volcanic peaks in the fall.

Little Hot Spring Valley following the Dixie Fire

A close-up of a trailhead sign with an additional signed taped to the bottom with the title

Cold Boiling Lake Trailhead Sign Following the Dixie Fire

A photo of a two-door pit toilet restroom adjacent a parking area backed by partially burned conifer trees.

Cold Boiling Lake Trailhead following the Dixie Fire

A panoramic photo of a paved road through a picnic area. Partially burned trees line the left side of the road and green, unaffected conifer trees shade picnic tables on the right side.

Kings Creek Picnic Area Following the Dixie Fire

A photo of a trailhead with a metal bulletin board and small trail sign. In the mid-ground are conifer trees partially burned by a recent wildflire.

Cold Boiling Lake Trailhead following the Dixie Fire

A panoramic photo of a creek in fall lined yellow and light green shrubs and green conifer trees in the background. A handful of trees are partially burned by a recent wildfire.

Kings Creek following the Dixie Fire

A wide-angle photo of a conifer forest with moderate to high-severity effects of a recent wildfire.

View of Dixie Fire effects in Warner Valley from the park highway.

A wide-angle photo of a conifer forest with moderate to high-severity effects of a recent wildfire.

View of Dixie Fire effects in Warner Valley from the park highway.

A panoramic photo of a conifer forest with moderate to high-severity effects of a recent wildfire.

View of Dixie Fire effects in Warner Valley from the park highway.

A photo of moderate to high-intensity effects of a wildfire on conifer forests.

Dixie Fire Effects below Reading Peak from Park Highway.

A panoramic photo of a two-lane road passing along a mountain slope covered in conifer forest. Trees and brush to the left are unaffected by fire. Brush and trees to the right show moderate to high fire effects.

Dixie Fire Effects below Reading Peak from Park Highway.

A photo zoomed in on a valley covered in conifer trees. Large patches of heavily burned trees create black patches amid other patches of brown and green trees with low intensity or no fire effects.

View of Dixie Fire effects on Mt. Harkness and above Warner Valley from the park highway.

A photo of moderate to high-intensity effects of a wildfire on conifer forests.

Dixie Fire Effects below Reading Peak from Park Highway.

A photo of a green leafy plant on the edge of a slope showing moderate fire effects in burned brush and conifer trees.

Greenleaf Manzanita below Reading Peak following the Dixie Fire.

A photo of a green leafy plant on the edge of a slope showing moderate fire effects in burned brush and conifer trees.

Greenleaf Manzanita below Reading Peak following the Dixie Fire.

A  landscape photo of a conifer forest with moderate to high-severity effects of a recent wildfire.

View of Dixie Fire effects in Warner Valley from the park highway.

A color photo of a brown road sign with the words

Partially-burned elevation sign

A sign along the park highway below Reading Peak partially burned by the 2021 Dixie Fire.

Dixie Fire Effects at Summit Lake Trailhead

A wooden boardwalk on a trail ends at a forest of recently burned lodgpole pine.

Dixie Fire Effects at Summit Lake Trailhead

High-severity effects of the 2021 Dixie Fire are visible from a trailhead with multiple signs a wooden boardwalk.

Dixie Fire Effects at Summit Lake Trailhead

High-severity effects of the 2021 Dixie Fire are visible from a trailhead with multiple signs a wooden boardwalk.

Dixie Fire Effects at Summit Lake Trailhead

A color photo of a trailhead sign backed by trees burned by a recent wildfire.

Dixie Fire Effects at Summit Lake North Campground Trailhead

Lodgepole pine trees burned by fire line a meadow of dry grass.

Dixie Fire Effects at Summit Lake North Campground Trailhead

A pile of branches and small sections of log piled for burning on the edge of a meadow.

Burn Pile Near Summit Lake Ranger Station
