Yellowstone National Park
Yellowstone National Park sites on display for the Kids & Youth pages.
17 items. Showing page 1 of 1, items 1 through 17
Lower Falls of the Yellowstone
Early summer crowd at Old Faithful
Visitors watching Old Faithful Geyser erupt with OFVEC and OFI in the background
Grand Prismatic Spring colored by thermophiles, Yellowstone National Park, 2013.
Fountain Paint Pot (mudpot), Yellowstone National Park, 2015.
Visitor photographing Fishing Cone at West Thumb Geyser Basin
Yellowstone Lake
Bison in rut
Bison on Rose Creek, Lamar Valley
Alpa female, Canyon pack
Alpha female of the Canyon pack in the Lower Geyser Basin
Brown bear near Swan Lake, Yellowstone National Park, 2015.
Grizzly bear
Grizzly sow and cubs
Bull elk bugling, Mammoth Hot Springs