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Album: Nuttallburg: African American Life in a Coal Camp

New River Gorge National Park and Preserve

Nuttallburg: African American Heritage Driving Tour Stop 4: African American Life in a Coal Camp

7 items. Showing page 1 of 1, items 1 through 7

historic photo of a coal camp with houses, tipple, and coal conveyor

Nuttallburg in 1927

historic photo of people posing in front of a church

The White Church

coal miners pose outside a coal mine

Coal Miners at Nuttallburg

historic photo of coal tipple and conveyor

Conveyor and Tipple in 1927

coal conveyor dropping down mountainside

Nuttallburg Coal Conveyor

coal tipple over railroad tracks

Coal Tipple

old stone staircase and house foundation

Stairway Ruins
