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Album: Frank M. Boyer Homestead Case Files, New Mexico

Homestead National Historical Park

Homestead Land Entry Case file for Frank Boyer's 40 acre homestead in Chaves County, New Mexico. He filed his application in 1909 as a soldier’s additional homestead claim. This was in addition to his original 160 acre claim that he proved up on in 1908. He bought the right to claim additional homestead land for the service of Dickson Garner (40 acres) and John B. Russell (5.01 acres). As with many of the military land rights, the chain of who holds these rights can be confusing which is shown in the documentation for this claim. For Dickson Garner’s claim, the rights went to his only heir, his daughter Mattie Moore. The rights were then bought by Peter Keller and later Frank Boyer. For John B. Russell’s claim, his wife Pernecia Russell had control of the rights for 45.01 acres as his widow. She assigned them to Burr Randles. Burr the transferred it to two different people Francis Bamforth (40 acres) and Zachary Hedges (5.01 acres). Hedges then sold the 5.01 acres to Frank Boyer.

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