Title: Acadia's Founding Father in bold; background historic image of 19th century people gathering in chairs along a curved path with spring house in the background.
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405 Acadias Founding Father
Title: Acadia's Founding Father in bold; background historic image of 19th century people gathering in chairs along a curved path with spring house in the background.
George B. Dorr, a gentleman scholar and lover of nature, devoted most of his adult life to the creation, maintenance, and expansion of Acadia National Park. The son of affluent Bostonians, Dorr first visited Mount Desert Island in 1868 and later decided to make it his primary home. He envisioned the Sieur de Monts property as a managed landscape and the “foundation stones on which the future Park is built.” He named the spring in honor of a French nobleman who led an expedition to this coastal region in the early 1600s. Besides donating his Sieur de Monts and “Old Farm” properties to the park, Dorr spent most of his inheritance to create the Acadia you enjoy today.
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Public domain:Full Granting Rights
Acadia National Park, Code: ACAD
Acadia National Park, Maine
Latitude: 44.3593788146973, Longitude: -68.2397308349609

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Tuesday, July 27, 2021 1:08:35 PM
Tuesday, July 27, 2021 1:11:15 PM
405 Acadias Founding Father.jpg
Monday, January 1, 0001 12:00:00 AM
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