Interpretive Staff.
Mounted Rangers at Rear of Ranger's Club. [Far right: Chief Ranger Forest Townsley, 5th from right: Charles Adair (?), 2nd from left: Billy Nelson (?), Far left: Jack Gayler (?)]
Protection staff.
Groups of NPS employees in front of the Utility Bldg.
Groups of NPS employees in front of the Utility Bldg.
YOSE RL_06094
Dedication of the Post Office. L-R: Townsley, Hull, Lewis, Mather, Hall, Leavitt, Albright & Alexander.
Campfire in Deadman Canyon.
YOSE RL_06866
YOSE RL_06868
On the new High Sierra Trail.
Road Engineer Austin from Sequoia, Director Mather, Supt. Lewis and G.S. Underwood.
Director Albright & group.
L-R: Adair, Thomson, Williams, & Bochem
L-R: Supt. Thomson, Mr. Williams, Mr. Bochem & Ranger Chas. Adair.
Rear seat: Mrs. C.G. Thomson, Mrs. Barry, Mrs Ewing. Front Seat: Col. C.G. Thomson & Frank Ewing.
YOSE RL_07807
Dedication of Post Office. L-R: Townsley, Hull, Lewis, Mather, Hall, Leavitt, Albright & Alexander (post-master)
Looking over grounds for Ahwahnee Hotel. L-R: G.S. Underwood (Architect), Dan Hull (NPS Landscape Engineer), Mr. Lansdale (YP&CC Director), Dr. Tresidder (Pres. YP&CC) and Mr. John Drum (Director)
L-R: Burrell, Hilton & Mobb. SEATED- Adair, Kottnauer & (?)
Meeting between NPS & Calif. State Fish & Game members L-R: Hull, Leavitt, Mather, McDougal & Greene
Dedication of New Village, Yosemite Ranger Force - 1924. L-R: Billy Nelson, Bert Sault, Dixon Freeland, John Bingaman, Charles Rich, Charles Adair, John Wegner, Henry Skelton, Clyde Boothe & Chief Forest Townsley. Photo used in John W. Bingaman's "Guardian
Weaver, Dennis, & Lewis families
L-R: Resident engineer O.G. Taylor, Mr. L.B. Barrett & Acting Supt. Leavitt inspecting newly delivered GMC trucks.
Group photo of permanent NPS personnel.
In camp on Sphinx Creek. Horace Albright on far right. (Kings Canyon Area)
Ski party: L-R Chief Townsley, O.G. Taylor, Chas Adair, Dick Freeland, John Wegner, ?, Carl Russell, Sam Clark [attached to photo card] Stone Photo: Off for the High Sierra! This party insisted on penetrating the depths of the High Sierra even when blanket
Permanent employees of the Yosemite organization. Copy Neg: Leroy Radanovich, October 1994
Park Superintendents in Yosemite. Mr. Mather's last Supt. Conference. Photo donated by Horace Albright, May 12, 1964. Front row L-R: Ross Eakin, Tillotson, Joe Bolten - Supt. Hot Springs, Joe Jaffe, Henry Karstem (?), Unidentified; Back row: Jesse Nusbaum,
July 4th Conference of Ranger Force, in front of Admin. Building. Top Row: Frank Anderson, J. Minter, Odin Johnson, Don Bryan, Grover Caster, Vernon Lowery, Mitch Akins, Otto Brown, Holmes Miller, Ted Barnett, Gene Burns, Jack Scholl, Mrs. Hazel Whedon, Ll
Nature Guides: R-L: Harold Bryant, Carl Russell, Donald McClean, Enid Michael, George Ruhle, Robert Harwood, Egmont Rett. (Nichols, Wilson, not shown)
Stephen T. Mather and others.
Written on original envelope: "Public Camp Ground. Ranger Billy Nelson
Written on original envelope: "Public Camp Ground. Ranger Billy Nelson
Dir. Mather (rt); Supt. Lewis (2nd rt.); Don Tresidder (far left)
Horace Albright on left and Gov. C.C. Young in center without hat. Don Tresidder behind Young and Forest Townsley on right (standing). Copy Neg: Mike Floyd, 9/91
Horace Albright (3rd fm. lft), Don Tresidder (2nd fm. right) and fishing group
At site of future Ahwahnee Hotel: L-R: 1.? 2. Secty of Interior Hubert Work. 3. NPS Dir. Stephen T. Mather, 4. Donald Tresidder, 5. Bob Williams
Stephen T. Mather (left); [attached to photo card] Bertha "Betty" Mather McPherson (daughter of S. Mather) @ 1920's
Stephen T. Mather (right); Stephen Mather & daughter "Betty" Bertha Mather (McPherson) @ 1920's
L-R: Carl Russell, Gladys Hale, Mr. & Mrs. George Pratt, Mr. Leavitt
L-R: 1. Road Eng. Austin 2. G.S. Underwood 3. Supt. Lewis 4. Stephen Mather 5. Frank Taylor 6. Don Tresidder
L-R: 1. Road Engineer Austin (Sequoia) 2. Supt. Lewis 3. Stephen Mather 4. G.S. Underwood 5. Don Tresidder
Group photo of permanent of NPS personnel (hats on).
Group of permanent NPS personnel. FRONT ROW: L-R Ed Beatty, Assist. Naturalist; Frank Givens, Ranger; Duane Jacobs, Ranger; Harry During, Ranger; Lon Garrison, Ranger; John Bingaman, Ranger; Jerry Mernin, Ranger; John Wosky, Asst. Supt.; L.C. Merriam, Supt
NPS conference in front of Camp Curry.
Superintendents at Yosemite Fire Conference for Region Four. L-R: back row- Preston Macy, Olympic; Jim Cole, Joshua Tree; Major Tomlinson, Regional Director; Colonel White, Sequoia; Ernest Leavitt, Crater Lake; Don Fisher, Lava Beds; Front- Harry Buckley,
Superintendents at Yosemite Fire Conference for Region Four. L-R: back row- Preston Macy, Olympic; Jim Cole, Joshua Tree; Ernest Leavitt, Crater Lake; Colonel White, Sequoia; Don Fisher, Lava Beds; Front- Harry Buckley, Silver Creek Rec. Area; John Preston
Supervisors meeting in Yosemite. L to R: USFS Supr. Harry Grace, Stanislaus Nat'l Forest; John C. Preston, Supt. Yosemite; USFS Supr. Walter Puhn, Sierra Nat'l Forest; USFS Supr. Joe Redel, Inyo Nat'l Forest
Fire Training Conference in Yosemite. LEFT TO RIGHT: Sitting- Alvin B. Filippini, J. Glyde Werley, Art Moberg, Buck Evans, Odin S. Johnson, Oscar Sedergren, Alan McCready, Duane Jacobs, Curtis Lindley, Norman Spangenberg, Paul Googins, Cliff Risbrudt, and
Group attending Region Four Naturalist Conference in Yosemite. April 14-17, 1948. LEFT TO RIGHT: FRONT ROW- Paul E. Schulz, Lassen; Howard R. Stagner, Sequoia; Russell K. Grater, Rainier; Geo. C. Rulhe, Crater Lake; Harry Parker, Yosemite; Clarence Fry, Se
NPS personnel. L to R: Darl Miller, Blacksmith; Margaret (Ped) U'Ren, Tel. Operator; Ernest Reed, Ranger; Dorothy Robinson, Tel. Operator; Mellie Lantz, hostess Ranger Club; Barrows, Power house operator; Kenneth Melvet, ranger; and Harold Hildreth, ranger
Superintendents and Rangers Fire Conference. WITH HATS ON-LEFT TO RIGHT Back Row: Finn, Muir Woods; Buckley, Silver Creek R.D.A; Goodwin; Fisher, Lava Beds; Drury; White; Tomlinson; Leavitt; Macy; Preston. Front Row: Pearson; Frank Kittredge; Jimmy Lloyd;
Superintendents and Rangers Fire Conference. With Hats Off. LEFT TO RIGHT Back Row: Finn, Muir Woods; Buckley, Silver Creek R.D.A; Goodwin; Fisher, Lava Beds; Drury; White; Tomlinson; Leavitt; Macy; Preston. Front Row: Pearson; Frank Kittredge; Jimmy Lloyd
Supt. and Rangers Fire Conference.
Supt. and Rangers Fire Conference.
LEFT TO RIGHT: BACK ROW: Stewart Wallace, Walt Finn, Gus Eastman, John Bingaman, Moore, George Walker, Larry Cook, Rocky Cochran (D.V.), Mike Oakes, Maurie Thede, Irving Kerr, Jack Reynolds, Jack Nattinger (Olympic), Samuel Pusateri, Floyd Dickinson (Olymp
Supt. & Rangers Fire Conference "Hats off" Left to Right: BACK ROW: Stewart Wallace, Walt Finn, Gus Eastman, John Bingaman, Moore, George Walker, Larry Cook, Rocky Cochran (D.V.), Mike Oakes, Maurie Thede, Irving Kerr, Jack Reynolds, Jack Nattinger (Olympi
LEFT TO RIGHT: TOP ROW: Sam King, Frank Ewing, Emil F Ernst, Joe Jenkins, Ed Bowman, E.C. Smith, Tom Swaggerty, Ruby Thomas, Chas. Hill, Olive Lorenc, Mike Manahan, Phyllis Leeders, Walt Gann, Frank Kittredge, Homer Robinson, John B. Wosky, Duane Jacobs, M
Supt. Russell and staff in front of Yosemite Museum after last staff meeting. LEFT TO RIGHT: Standing: Betty Koubelle, Homer Robinson, Carl Russell, E.C. Smith, Will Ellis. Kneeling: Emil Ernst, Duane Jacobs. Seated: Chas. F. Hill, Donald E. McHenry, Harth
Regional Office Women at foot of Yosemite Falls.
NPS Conferees from Region One, Richmond, Virg.
Personel Training group on trip to Yosemite.
Region Four Area Superintendents with Reg. Dir. O.A. Tomlinson. LEFT TO RIGHT: STANDING: Hugh Peyton, Millerton Lake; Ernest Leavitt, Crater Lake; Carl Russell, Yosemite; Preston Macy, Olympic; Oscar W. Carlton, Asst. Supt. Sequoia-Kings; William H. Gibbs,
Region Four Area Superintendents with Reg. Dir. O.A. Tomlinson. LEFT TO RIGHT: STANDING: Hugh Peyton, Millerton Lake; Ernest Leavitt, Crater Lake; Carl Russell, Yosemite; Preston Macy, Olympic; Oscar W. Carlton, Asst. Supt. Sequoia-Kings; William H. Gibbs,
Park Supt. Carl P. Russell, C.M. Goethe, and Regional Dir. O.A. Tomlinson at Region 4 Naturalist’s Conference
Chief Rangers at Fire Conference.
Group of NPS conferees who once worked in Yosemite
L to R: L.C. Merriam, Arthur Demaray, O.A. Tomlinson, and Hillory Tolson
NPS Conference in Mariposa Grove near cabin.
Road Crew, Training Activities
Road Crew, Training Activities
Road Crew, Training Activities
Road Crew, Training Activities
USFS - NPS Interagency meeting at Yosemite's Rangers Club: Area Managers Discuss Common Problems on National Forests & National Parks. L to R: John M Davis, Supt. Sequoia-Kings Canyon NP; Walter J. Puhn, Spvsr. Sierra NF; John C. Preston, Supt. Yosemite NP
Central & Southern Sierra Wilderness Managers Meeting in Yosemite National Park [attached to back of photo card] 1. Ernie DeGraff 2. Mike Mendoza 3. Gail Bennet 4. Sherri Beck 5. Michael Olwyler 6. Fred Richter 7. Mike Beck 8. Kent Kinney 9. Jim Snyder 10.
Law Enforcement Refresher Course. BACK ROW: (L-R) Pete Armington, Chuck Vandewater, ?, John Rohrback, Mike Lalone, Scott Kruse, Dave Morrow, Lee Shackleton, Instructor, Gil Young, Don Coehlo. MIDDLE ROW: Laurie Bartell, Cathy Casalegno, Tim Dallas, Jim Lee
Law Enforcement Refresher class. FRONT ROW (L_R): ?, Tom Schiffler, ?, Roger Dittberner, Mel Nichols, Karen Taylor, Jim Martin, Glen Frede, Steve Hickman, Mike Fink, Lee Shackleton, Maynard Medefind, Charlie Fullam. MIDDLE ROW: Mike Durr, Gary Gisselle, ?
Happy Isles Trail Project. L-R: Kristin Kaulum, Trail Worker WG 5; Denise F. Smith, Trail Worker WG 5; Martin J. Acree, Trail Worker WG 5; Pati Mastan, Trail Worker WG 5; Renea Frazier, Cook WG 8; Noreen Trombly, Laborer WG 3; Marion Jackson Jones, Laborer
Valley District Interpretive Staff. LEFT TO RIGHT: Top Row: Antonina Hines, Rick Robak, Erin O'Connor Henry, Bruce Fincham, Dean Shenk, Marla La Cass, Julie Rose, Marty Immerman, Vicki Jo Lawson, Mike Carl, Anna White, Janina Rago, James Garvasoni, Bob Cla
Valley District Intepretive Staff. "The Ranger Rockettes". LEFT TO RIGHT: Allison Hunter, Erin O'Connor Henry, Vicki Jo Lawson, Julie Rose, Rick Robak, Antonina Hines, Michael Nachman, Kim Summerfield/Cody, Marla La Cass, Fermin Salas, Savina Fazio, Dean S
Party at Arch Rock. Copied from the Wegner photo album. Ranger Wosky & wife (front row, left), Ranger Reed & wife (next to Wosky), Townsley (front row, 3rd from right), Townsley's father from Tennessee (front row, right)
The 1981 Valley District Interpretation Staff.
Summer Valley District Interpretative Staff.
Summer Valley District Interpretative Staff.
Potter, Tolen, Carpenter, & Tom Roach. Copied from Art Holmes album (NPS employee). Copied September 1983 by Michael Dixon.
Graduating class from Horse Training, 1985. L to R: Dan Horner (Head of Horse Patrol), YNP; Jan Borromeo, G.G.N.R.A.; Charles Fullam, YNP; Travis White, Saguaro N.P.; Marilyn Muse, YNP; Charles Edgmon, Calif. State Parks; Jim Tucker, YNP; Trace DeSandres,
Individuals earning 10 years in NPS awards. L to R: Back Row: Dana Jackson, Larry Harris, Chris Thorpe, Mike Lalone, Dan Horner, Don Coehlo, Gary Gissell and Jim Laney (Assist. Supt.); Front Row: MaryLou Cant, Lisa Dapprich, Bob Carroll, Jim Lee, Maggie Pr
Individuals earning 10 years in NPS awards. L to R: Back Row: Dana Jackson, Larry Harris, Chris Thorpe, Mike Lalone, Dan Horner, Don Coehlo, Gary Gissell and Jim Laney (Assist. Supt.); Front Row: MaryLou Cant, Lisa Dapprich, Bob Carroll, Jim Lee, Maggie Pr
Special Achievement Awards. L to R: Jim Laney (Assist. Supt.), Dorothy Stanley, Horst Remmling, Bob Binnewies (Supt.), Jim Loach, Gary Colliver, Mike Durr, Emily Clarillos, Marla LaCass, Trace DeSanders and Mike Murray.
Special Achievement Awards. L to R: Jim Laney (Assist. Supt.), Dorothy Stanley, Horst Remmling, Bob Binnewies (Supt.), Jim Loach, Gary Colliver, Mike Durr, Emily Clarillos, Marla LaCass, Trace DeSanders and Mike Murray.
Billy Nelson in center.
Group photo of the Pioneer Yosemite History Center (PYHC) staff. Front row (L-R): Karen Barrett, Lee Taylor. Middle Row: Tom Young, Dean Shenk, John Jackson, Dana (Dorato) Jones, Maggie Duncan, Ed Dwer. Back Row: Burrel Maier (driver), Caesar (dog), Lee An
The Superintendent's conference at Yellowstone Nat. Park, 1929. Original print in the over-sized photo drawer in RL. Copy Neg: J. Ernest, 1983
Copy Neg:J. Ernest, 1983. (L-R) Top Row: Joe Joffe, _______, Levitt, ______, ______, ______. Bottom Row: Mr. Lewis, Julia Woodring, Mr. Albright, ______, ______ at the Supt. Office in Yellowstone National Park. Original print in the over-sized photo drawer
Copy Neg: J. Ernest, 1983. (L-R) Top Row: Joe Joffe, _______, Levitt, ______, ______, ______. Bottom Row: Mr. Lewis, Julia Woodring, Mr. Albright, ______, ______ at the Supt. Office in Yellowstone National Park. Original print in the over-sized photo drawe
The First Rangers LEFT TO RIGHT: Oliver Prien, Chief Ranger; Charles Bull, Assist. Chief Ranger; Jack Gaylor, 2nd assist. to Chief Ranger; Wayne Westfall; George McNab, Charles Leidig, First Park Ranger in Yosemite; Charles Adair; Archie Leonard; Forest To