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Standing Holy, Daughter of Sitting Bull in Traditional Dress with Dentalium Earrings; Seated in 3/4 View
LIBI_00019_00570; This item is an albumen cabinet card (card-mounted photograph) of Standing Holy, daughter of Sitting Bull, in three-quarters view. The photograph is 3 7/8 x 5 3/8" (4 1/4 x 6 1/2" mounted) and was produced circa 1885 by David F. Barry. On the front, a typed caption reads, "Standing Holy. (Sitting Bull's Daughter.)" The photographer's stamp is printed in dark green ink on the front. On the verso, the photographer's stamp is printed in red ink.; Cabinet Card [Card Photograph]; Courtesy of the National Park Service, Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, LIBI_00019_00570, D. F. Barry, "Standing Holy, Daughter of Sitting Bull in Traditional Dress with Dentalium Earrings; Seated in 3/4 View," circa 1885
National Park Service
Courtesy of the National Park Service, Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, LIBI_00019_00570, D F. Barry, "Standing Holy, Daughter of Sitting Bull in Traditional Dress with Dentalium Earrings; Seated in 3/4 View," circa 1885
Public domain
Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, Code: LIBI
Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument, Big Horn County, Montana
Latitude: 45.5651016235352, Longitude: -107.429000854492

NPS Museum Accession Number : LIBI-00019
NPS Museum Number Catalog : LIBI_00570
Title: Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument Historic Photo Collection
circa 1885
01/01/1885 - 12/30/1885
Public Can View
D. F. Barry Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument
Organization: Little Bighorn Battlefield National Monument
Position: Research Requests
Address: PO Box 39, Crow Agency, MT, USA, 59033, (406) 638-2621

Friday, March 9, 2018 1:24:24 PM
Friday, March 9, 2018 1:24:24 PM
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