Letter written justifying payroll.  Below the printed text is a hand-written list of names, highlighted is E. Brazell.  

Typed text is as follows:  

August, 1, 1917
The Director,
National Park Service,
Washington, D.C.

Dear Sir:-

Enclosed here with pay rolls for the month of July. The administration pay roll is made to cover salaries of all appointive employees of the Park and includes (#4) pay of Mr Roy Brazell who was on continuous duty first to fith of the month, inclusive during my absence of leave. One Sunday and July Fourth included in this time. Sundays and holidays are our busiest days and services employees can not be dispensed with at such times.

The maintenance pay roll covers all labor hire during the month; $13.50 of this was for clearing the trail and stairs of mud and otherwise improving the trails in the Cave, and $12.00 in repairing barn in preparation for painting,

Cordially yours, Supervisor
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Payroll listing Esther Brazell, 1917
Letter written justifying payroll. Below the printed text is a hand-written list of names, highlighted is E. Brazell. Typed text is as follows: August, 1, 1917 The Director, National Park Service, Washington, D.C. Dear Sir:- Enclosed here with pay rolls for the month of July. The administration pay roll is made to cover salaries of all appointive employees of the Park and includes (#4) pay of Mr Roy Brazell who was on continuous duty first to fith of the month, inclusive during my absence of leave. One Sunday and July Fourth included in this time. Sundays and holidays are our busiest days and services employees can not be dispensed with at such times. The maintenance pay roll covers all labor hire during the month; $13.50 of this was for clearing the trail and stairs of mud and otherwise improving the trails in the Cave, and $12.00 in repairing barn in preparation for painting, Cordially yours, Supervisor
A scan of a 1917 payroll letter from Wind Cave to the NPS Director
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Wind Cave National Park, Code: WICA
Wind Cave National Park, Custer County, South Dakota
Latitude: 43.5802993774414, Longitude: -103.439002990723

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