Schematic cross section of a strandplain beach. Cross section shows features and processes off shore, near shore, in the swash zone, back shore, and sediment bank shoreline areas.
Schematic cross section of a strandplain beach. Strandplain beaches are common shoreline types on the estuarine sides of complex barrier islands. Coastal erosion occurs by direct wave attack during high astronomical, wind, and storm tides and provides a major source of sand sediment for an adjacent strandplain beach. As the sediment banks are undercut, slump blocks collapse onto the beach, where they are reworked by wave energy.
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Graphic redrafted by Trista Thornberry-Ehrlich (Colorado State University) after figure 4-2-1 in Riggs and Ames (2003).
Public domain:Full Granting Rights
Cape Lookout National Seashore, Code: CALO
Cape Lookout National Seashore, Carteret County, North Carolina Latitude: 34.9581985473633, Longitude: -76.1900024414063