Montage illustrates many of the Ice Age marine and terrestrial life reminiscent of the animals living 17,000 years ago on the grasslands and in the water around Beringia
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Montage illustrates many of the Ice Age marine and terrestrial life reminiscent of the animals living 17,000 years ago on the grasslands and in the water around Beringia
Montage illustrates many of the Ice Age marine and terrestrial life reminiscent of the animals living 17,000 years ago on the grasslands and in the water around Beringia
Illustration depicts (l-r): seals, Bowhead whales, Beluga whale, walrus, Polar bear, Arctic fox, Brown bear, badger, Lemming, moose, elk, Musk ox, and a mammoth. Note: animals are not drawn to scale.
U.S. National Park Service
Project=Folder; Art_Registration_No=PUB-0056; Reflective Art
Government owns art and all reproduction rights.
Public domain
Fauna, (HFC ArtTheme)
, Watercolor, (HFC ArtMedium)
Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, Code: BELA
Bering Land Bridge National Preserve, Alaska
Latitude: 66.2151489257813, Longitude: -165.126602172852

Image Management System : IMS 06974
01/01/1991 - 12/30/1991
Image_Size=23" x 13-7/8"; Count:1/1; Bering Land Bridge National Preserve brochure
Public Can View
Harlin, Greg/Wood Ronsaville Harlin, Inc.
Organization: Harpers Ferry Center
Address: Harpers Ferry Center, 67 Mather Place, Harpers Ferry, WV, 25425, 304-535-5050

Monday, October 7, 2019 5:25:15 PM
Monday, October 7, 2019 5:25:15 PM
99.9 kB