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Joseph Poffenberger Farmstead: Existing Conditions Site Map, 2014
Map of features and contributing resources at the Joseph Poffenberger Farmstead, part of Antietam National Battlefield.
Map of existing conditions at Joseph Poffenberger Farmstead, 2014, including resources that are contributing to the historic significance of the cultural landscape.
The Joseph Poffenberger Farmstead landscape is significant in two distinct areas of history. Its foremost significance in military history (1861-1865) results from its role in the Battle of Antietam during the American Civil War. The property is also significant in the area of conservation for its involvement in early Civil War battlefield preservation efforts (1890-1910). The Union’s occupation had lasting effects on the community and on Joseph Poffenberger’s limited resources. Over the next hundred-forty years, the Poffenberger property was maintained in much the same way as it was during the 1860s. The only major changes occurred in the 1880s when the Poffenbergers constructed an ell addition for the farmhouse and in the 1890s when the War Department laid out a Battlefield tour road along the southern boundary. This brought the installation of several monuments by veteran groups in the early 1900s and construction of a new Poffenberger farm lane to the main cluster of buildings.
U.S. Department of the Interior, National Park Service, Park Cultural Landscapes Program
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Antietam National Cemetery, Code: ANCM
National Capital Region, Code: NCR
Joseph Poffenberger Farmstead, Antietam National Battlefield, Washington County, Maryland
Latitude: 39.470100402832, Longitude: -77.7380981445313

Title: CLI Report: Joseph Poffenberger Farmstead
Public Can View
Person: Daniel Weldon

Tuesday, February 25, 2020 1:05:05 PM
Thursday, February 15, 2024 6:22:41 PM
CLI-ANTI-Joseph Poffenberger Farmstead CLI975301 (2014)-508.pdf
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